Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Essentials for blogger conference!

    Like the first day of school, we all get anxious.  What will I need? What will they offer me? I was fortunate enough to win tickets to the Lifestyle Blogger National Conference 2015 in Los Angeles this past weekend.  I knew that in 2015, I wanted to revitalize my blog.  Attending a conference would not only inspire me but help me learn. I can honestly say I was not prepared to go, but since I won the tickets it was on!  I began by ordering business cards through Vista Print.  I am a baby in terms of blogging, but I wanted to be prepared to network.  After all networking is the second biggest reason to attend any conference.  I was so happy to receive as promised and placed them in another pouch, since I didn't want them to get lost in my large tote.  Next I remembered I saw a video from Jennifer Ross, where she talked about her experience at a blogger's conference in January.

    I knew I was set in terms of taking my Whipping Post Tote, that i received for my birthday. It is an open tote, making sure that nothing falls out is key.  So, I began to gather my essentials.  I knew that I had to take my pencil pouch from my school bag.  I was debating on whether to take my tablet or laptop, but decided to take neither.  I figured with my notebook, I would be able to write down key points.  What I did need, was to make sure that I took a portable charger.  After all, I didn't want to miss out on taking pictures and I still wanted to keep my social media posts up to the minute! I also took a personal pouch, which held items like lipstick, advil, feminine wipes, and translucent powder.  I also took my smaller calendar to quickly jot down goals for my blog.  You never know when a bright idea comes through the brain waves. 

   I can honestly tell you I felt the part, I looked the part but most I was comfortable all day.  I drove over 2 hours to be at this conference and commuted both days.  I knew that I needed essentials to get me through.  What I didn't expect was to form relationships because of my essentials.  I sat at a table with some fabulous ladies.  During the conference we were encouraged to post on social media sites and my neighbor was running low on battery.  I pulled out my pouch and plugged her in to my portable charger.  She was so appreciative of that.  I think that as a woman, its important to be prepared but also share the wealth.  

Are you prepared for your next conference?
All Images property of SimplayAna02


  1. Love it! Gotta prep my essentials for my next blogger conference and I'll make sure I take everything mentioned here. I loved your tote!

  2. Thank you Amiga! Have fun networking and learning. See you soon!
